NATURFEUER AG produces, distributes and installs environmentally friendly decentralised energy systems. One focus of our work is the manufacture of innovative Stirling engines, which we produce at our company site in Potsdam. Special double-acting Stirling engines that work with hot expansion cylinders are the focus of our work. Production was preceded by many years of development work.
Energy saving and environmental protection
Our concern is to leave an environment worth living in for future generations. “Energy saving and environmental protectionˮ play an important role in this. Against the background of finite fossil resources and advancing climate change, we are faced with the urgent task of making our energy supply more efficient and environmentally compatible. Energy from sustainably produced biomass is an important component of this. This form of energy conserves fossil resources, makes an important contribution to climate protection, makes our national economy independent and creates jobs and prosperity in the country.
Factory representation GUNTAMATIC
In order to support the use of biomass in addition to the production of Stirling engines, we took over the factory representation of GUNTAMATIC for the Berlin/Brandenburg region in 2015. As a quality supplier, GUNTAMATIC has been producing and selling innovative biomass heating systems since 1963. More than 250,000 devices are now in use across Europe.
Micro-CHP with Stirling engine and biomass boiler
As the latest configuration, a biomass boiler with pellet operation from GUNTAMATIC is to be combined with our 2-cycle Gimsamotor® (2-ZGM-1 kW) and marketed in the foreseeable future. Such a micro combined heat and power plant (CHP) will have an electrical output of approx. 1 kW and a thermal output of approx. 3 kW at a low temperature level. The biomass boiler will provide the required peak load heat for the building at a high temperature level with approx. 10 kW thermal output.
Future potential
We see ecological and economic future potential in the decentralised generation of electricity and heat with the help of a biomass-fuelled combined heat and power plant. On the one hand, through the use of pellets as fuel, which is almost CO₂-neutral, and on the other hand, through the principle of combined heat and power generation, which can save power plant capacities, among other things. Economically, pellets have usually been significantly cheaper than fossil fuels in recent years.